Planting the Seed of Greatness for Generations to Come with ORGANO™ – It’s Arbor Day!
Now that Spring has sprung, the flowers are in full bloom and people are trading in their raincoats and boots for shorts and flip flops – the end of April is upon us. And, on the last Friday of April – National Arbor Day is celebrated every year in the United States – and at other times around the world. Arbor Day is a holiday expressly designed to encourage individuals (and their communities) to plant and care for trees. Join the ORGANO™ global family as we pay tribute to the life and nutrients that the world’s trees provide us every day.
The Great Plains Lack of Landscape & The First Seeds of Greatness: The celebration of Arbor Day had its beginnings in an area not associated with trees or forests at all – in the Great Plains of Nebraska. A man by the name of J. Sterling Morton moved to this newly formed territory in 1854 with his wife Caroline. As the Great Plains territory was essentially devoid of trees and lush landscape, J. Sterling endeavored to encourage tree planting in order to attract people to the state. As President of the Agricultural Board, in 1872 Sterling proposed that the state declare April 10 as Arbor Day, and his proposal was accepted. And, on that day in 1872, it is said that Nebraskans planted one million trees. And, the rest as they say… is Arbor Day History!